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Donate to SoFete

From America to the Caribbean, across the globe, and Africa, your generosity allows us to stand together, embracing our heritage and fostering connections in every corner of the world. We greatly appreciate your support, as it allows us to bring the diaspora together through cultivating mutual understanding, bridging generational gaps, and promoting cultural unity. 


SoFete envisions a world where diverse cultures are celebrated and respected, and individuals are empowered to embrace their heritage and learn from others without fear of misappropriation. We are the embodiment of our ancestors' wildest dreams. In solidarity, we move forward, carrying the torch of freedom, creativity, and unity. For in our hearts lies not just the memory of what was but the blueprint for what will be: diverse, united, and unstoppable.


Unity - Solidarity, The Diaspora - Connection, One Caribbean - Diversity, Black America - Empowerment, Africa - my identity, My roots - Reclamation! With allyship and acknowledgment, we thrive.

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