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About SoFete

Image by Womanizer Toys

A Holistic Approach to Cultural Revitalization and Healing

Supported by a team of diverse and dedicated leaders, SoFete Sisterhood Inc. is committed to healing our communities through a holistic approach that bridges the cultural gaps between Indigenous communities.  


The profound disintegration of cultural identity leaves our communities in a bleak, uncharted void—a space without direction, where the once-vibrant echoes of traditions and voices now linger as distant, fading memories. This is not a distant or abstract issue; it is a pressing reality for communities grappling with the legacy of colonialism, displacement, and systemic erasure. Stripped of cultural anchors and left with no clear path, we face a relentless struggle to understand our identity and heritage. "Who am I? Where do I come from?" become central to our existence. 

We look at one another differently, feeling a profound sense of disconnection, yet society often perceives us as one monolithic group. Heritage and culture become elusive concepts—wisdom is disregarded, and our stories are buried forever. This absence leaves a void that affects how we understand our identity, navigate our history, and connect with our traditions. We can speak all day about supporting each other, standing as one or the need to reclaim and revitalizing our heritage, but the silence is so loud—who is fighting for revitalization when our voices are silenced, and our efforts go unseen? 

 Our Purpose at SoFete 

Historical trauma, economic disparities, internalized racism, community fragmentation, and media influence contribute to this disintegration. These issues are not just abstract problems; they are deeply felt and pervasive. When cultural and personal histories are forcibly erased, it’s easy to lose track of where you come from. The emotional impact of such loss is deeply ingrained, much like PTSD—an enduring sense of trauma embedded in our very being. This trauma manifests in repeated negative experiences, passed down through generations. We need healing, empathy, and nurturing. The coping mechanisms that once provided solace are no longer sufficient. 

Healing a community begins with nurturing one soul at a time . When you raise a child, they say, "Train them up in the way they should go." This principle of nurturing is essential not just for individual growth but for the restoration of the community. Have you ever considered how uplifting it is when someone acknowledges your pain or sensitivity? That recognition creates an atmosphere of trust and opens the door to a deeper exploration of identity and connection. Once this door is open, it becomes possible to learn about one's talents and speak life into their experiences, all because they were healed enough to allow that connection to form. And even if healing hasn't fully occurred, there is hope that this experience will be different because it offers a chance for new beginnings, understanding, and growth. Each step towards connection and acknowledgment brings the possibility of transformation and renewed strength. 

Through our programs, we foster a deep appreciation for diverse traditions.  Our work is built on a foundation that shapes our vision, informs our strategies, and guides our actions in every initiative we undertake. By centering our programs around exploring and elevating shared stories, preserving cultural identities, promoting healing, and fostering meaningful connections, SoFete heals the lives of those in our communities one soul at a time 

We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. Join us in our mission.  Together, we can create a supportive space where every voice is heard, every story is valued, and every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Your participation and support are essential to building a stronger, more connected community for all. 

"We catalyze change, fostering a vibrant community where dialogue thrives, barriers are dismantled, and previously silenced voices find resonance."

Meet the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of SoFete Sisterhood Inc., guides the organization in its mission to promote cultural diversity, inclusivity, and women empowerment, setting policies and goals to ensure its success and impact.

Be One of Our Sponsors

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